Friday, November 6, 2009

BUS RIDE! 06/11/09

This one s fun.... atleast i think so

I was on my way bak home from work. I got onto the bus through the front footboard. I lik travelling on the footboard:D Two stops passed by with no big deal.

Then i noticed these three chicks staring at me from the backseats. Frankly i would say one chick, the other two wer jus ok.. The nice part was that the gud looking chick was almost like my biggest crush. Man i really miss that girl!!! my crush.

They kept talkin to themselves rather giggling at me more than talking. I kept lookin at them at times and they were al smiles. When i looked at em once suddenly one girl din expect it and fell bak on her seat only to get her head banged on the headrest. I burst out laughing.

Now i did my part. I got down in a stop which was actually two stops prior to mine and while walking past them on the road i said "IS THERE SOMETHING FUNNY ABOUT ME???"
They din hear me but i heard them sayin "SHIT, What did he say??" When they wer thinking i was walkin past the bus on my own way i got in again through the backdoor to stand beside them.

PPL!! U shud ve seen the reaction on their faces. U would have lyao. When i asked them what was funny they wer lik "U look cool. We wer jus complementing you and blah blah blah" :D I then had a petty talk with them..

And only when i came home did i realise what a dumbass i was... i should ve got her no!!!! damn

PS: This is not an exaggeration lol

1 comment:

  1. hey dude
    yor way of narration is interesting...
    i cud imagine the whole scene as i read yor post line by line
    wish yo to see tat gal (chick) again. :) ;) :P

    let your amma's wish come true
    Rock on
