Friday, November 6, 2009

BUS RIDE! 06/11/09

This one s fun.... atleast i think so

I was on my way bak home from work. I got onto the bus through the front footboard. I lik travelling on the footboard:D Two stops passed by with no big deal.

Then i noticed these three chicks staring at me from the backseats. Frankly i would say one chick, the other two wer jus ok.. The nice part was that the gud looking chick was almost like my biggest crush. Man i really miss that girl!!! my crush.

They kept talkin to themselves rather giggling at me more than talking. I kept lookin at them at times and they were al smiles. When i looked at em once suddenly one girl din expect it and fell bak on her seat only to get her head banged on the headrest. I burst out laughing.

Now i did my part. I got down in a stop which was actually two stops prior to mine and while walking past them on the road i said "IS THERE SOMETHING FUNNY ABOUT ME???"
They din hear me but i heard them sayin "SHIT, What did he say??" When they wer thinking i was walkin past the bus on my own way i got in again through the backdoor to stand beside them.

PPL!! U shud ve seen the reaction on their faces. U would have lyao. When i asked them what was funny they wer lik "U look cool. We wer jus complementing you and blah blah blah" :D I then had a petty talk with them..

And only when i came home did i realise what a dumbass i was... i should ve got her no!!!! damn

PS: This is not an exaggeration lol

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Life as on 05/11/09

Life is full of complications soon after you finish school, rather its that way as soon your childhood is over.

When i was almost about to finish my schooling i was the happiest person in the world - happy about being able to get out of my parents' control - about venturing into new territory -leaving my city for a new life and all that. Its once you start becoming independent that you realise that every person gets into deep shit.

I never realised the truth when adults used to say "I miss being a child or I miss going to school", but that was before i finished my schooling. Now i feel like breaking down every now and then when i see children in their school uniforms (sob sob). Miss my school real bad and my buddies. It was one of the best - CARMEL GARDEN MATRICULATION HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL back in Coimbatore. The best but yet the worst part of my school is that it was all boys!!!!

Im only 17 now but i have started working in an Audit Firm, just for my own experience though. Work has influenced me hell lot. Not even one month since i started to but im enjoying every minute og it. The worst part of working has been this for me( I love it tho) - I just dont feel like spending money at all.. Anything i wish to get the only thought that comes to me is "Dont waste your dad s money dude. You can get it when you start earning." Just the feeling of trying to fend for myself is what is making my life meaningful for now"

The worst part of my life at chennai right now are my classes. Oh man Chartered Accountancy is one damned field. My day starts with classes at 5 30 in the morning and ends with classes till 9 30 in the night with work packed between them. Thats one really fucked up schedule.. lol! Yet i got to do it especially because i get to see chicks at classes(hehe).

I guess the happiest person to see me blogging would be my mother cos she wants me to write books in the future!! One crazy female she is. Her never ending philosophies and advices. Yet i love her the most. I miss u mom:( Both you and every single thing that you do. My first post is dedicated to you mom - cheers. Partly to my dad too.. Maybe il give the next one to him:D

I dont think this post has got any meaning at all. Its just whats going on in my mind right now.