Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Pigeon lineage

Although these images show the life of a pair of pigeons and their offsprings, none of them are related except for the second and third. It's like what my tutor once said "You always see what the photographer wants you to see, and what he wants you to see is usually not the truth"

Heart from a flashlight

Night - Moon - Sea

This one is in the Besant Nagar Beach and the one below was when i'd gone to Pondicherry once.


This one was from the balcony of an apartment in the third level of the building.
Not Indian skies though - Srilankan

Yellow all along - Auto rickshaws

Took this one close to the lighthouse near Marina

Colours - Brands - Footwear

Sun rays on water

Took this one when i had gone to Srilanka for a Students Conference.